Kokt Hans o Greta.nu » Avoid the Corona Virus ? – 9 simple steps !

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Avoid the Corona Virus ? – 9 simple steps !

9-point list that you can use to reduce the risk of complications from Covid-19
Do you want to reduce the risk of getting the Corona flu?
- Calm down, we’ll help you!
With our nine-point list you can reduce the risk of getting Corona!
One might wonder if something can be done actively, to reduce the risk of getting the new corona virus. And you can actually do that!
The basic principle is to avoid the virus coming into contact with the mucous membranes.
We have now produced this nine-point list, which is partly based on several researchers’ tips, but equally on common sense:
1. Don’t pat yourself on the face
The most important factor is not to face the face. The facial mucous membranes are very susceptible to viruses and bacteria and the more you have your fingers in the facial region, the greater the risk of being infected by the virus.
Be extra careful if you have a wound somewhere on your face. Then the mucous membranes are exposed in the depth and you become even more receptive.
2. Avoid smoking and sniffing
Smoking has proven to be the second most important risk factor. The reason is that smokers more easily carry down the coronavirus into the lungs as they pull down the smoke.
Smoker also pills on the cigarette filter, or presses down the pipe tobacco with his fingers. Smokers also run the risk of having less elastic lungs and more receptors for virus particles.
Snus can also be a risk factor for Corona, since the snus puts a muzzle directly on the mucous membranes, often without washing their hands first.
Even the taking of the chill is sometimes done without preceding the cleaning of the fingers.
3. Wash your hands carefully
It is important to wash your hands carefully and within care they usually recommend that you wash your hands with soap and water for about half a minute, after which you should spray your hands for the same amount of time.
You should wash your arms up. Once you have washed your hands, it is also good to wash your face thoroughly, rinse your mouth and wash your nose.
4. Use face protection
Using a simpler face protection can reduce the risk of getting the Corona virus. Don’t forget – the more virus particles you get at the time of infection, the more you risk getting sick!
It may be enough to tie a scarf over your nose and mouth.
5. Treat your risk factors
Make sure all your risk factors are well treated. For example, check your blood pressure, or test for diabetes or asthma.
6. Keep a distance
Remember to keep a few meters away from people. The virus infects when coughing and sneezing and the virus can also remain in the air for a good while afterwards.
7. Shop when there are a few people in the store
Try to shop when there are at least people in the grocery store. Also, avoid carrying shopping carts and shopping baskets, as the virus can survive on these surfaces for several days. Instead, you can have your own shopping bags to pick the goods in.
8. Get extra vitamin D in you
Some researchers claim that vitamin D reduces the risk of suffering from respiratory symptoms and illnesses.
9. Feel good mentally and strengthen your immune system
It can’t hurt to try to reduce the psychological stress in their lives and to strengthen their immune system!
Extra information about the Corona virus
Extensive Chinese research, involving about ten professors, showed that the blood group can have an impact on how sick you become and how easily you are infected with the Coronavirus.
The study showed that those who had blood group O, or “zero” as we sometimes say, had the greatest immunity to the virus and thus performed best, while people with blood group A performed worst.
Here you can do our Corona test, to find out if you can be infected>
9-point list that you can use to reduce the risk of complications from Covid-19
Do you want to reduce the risk of getting the Corona Flu ?
- Calm down, we’ll help you !
With our nine-point list, you can reduce the risk of getting the Corona !
One might wonder if you can actively do anything to reduce the risk of getting the new Corona Virus. And you can actually !
The basic principle is to avoid the virus coming into contact with the mucous membranes !
We have made this nine-level list, which is partly based on several researchers’ tips, but equally on common sense:
1. Don’t pat yourself in the face
The most important factor is not to pat ones face. The facial mucous membranes are very susceptible to viruses and bacteria and the more you put your fingers in the facial region, the greater risk of being infected.
Be extra careful if you have a wound somewhere in your face. Then the mucous membranes are in depth exposed and you become even more receptive.
2. Avoid smoking and use of snus (snuff tobacco)
Smoking has proven to be the second most important risk factor. The reason is that smokers more easily carry down the Corona Virus into their lungs as they inhale the smoke.
Smokers also tend to pat on the cigarette filter, or tamp down the pipe tobacco with their fingers. Smokers also run the risk of having less elastic lungs and more receptors for viruses.
Snus can also be a risk factor for Corona, since the user puts a “prilla” directly on the mucous membranes, often without washing their hands before.
Even putting out the snus is sometimes done without the fingers being cleaned.
3. Wash your hands carefully
It is important to wash your hands carefully and at hospitals they usually recommend washing your hands with soap and water for about half a minute, after which you should use desinfection liquid for the same amount of time.
You should also wash your wrists all the way up.
Once you’ve washed your hands, it is also good to wash your face thoroughly, rinse your mouth and wash your nose.
4. Use face protection
Using a simpler face protection might reduce the risk of getting the Corona Virus. Because don’t forget – the more virus particles you get at the time of infection, the higher risk of getting sick !
It may be enough to tie a scarf over your nose and mouth.

5. Treat your Risk Factors
Make sure all your risk factors are well treated. For example, check your blood pressure, or test for Diabetes or Asthma.
6. Keep the distance
Remember to keep a few meters away from people. The virus infects when coughing and sneezing and the virus can also remain in the air for a good while afterwards.
7. Shop when there are fewer people in the store
Try to shop when there are less people at the grocery store. Also avoid carrying shopping carts and shopping baskets, as the virus can survive on those surfaces for several days. Instead, you can have your own shopping bags to put your goods in.
8. Get extra vitamin D
Some scientists claim that vitamin D reduces the risk of suffering from respiratory symptoms and illnesses.
9. Feel good mentally and strengthen your immune system
It can’t hurt to try to reduce the psychological stress in our lives and to strengthen our immune system !
Extra information about the Corona Virus
Extensive Chinese research, involving about ten professors, showed that the blood type might have an impact on how sick you become and how easily you are infected by the Corona Virus.
The study said that those who had blood group O, or “zero” as we sometimes say, had the greatest immunity to the virus, while people with blood group A unfortunately performed least best.
Here you can perform our Corona Virus test, to find out if you might be infected >

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