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Corona Pandemic – The Oxygene Attack !

- The effects of the virus will be different, depending on how the “nucleated structure” of blood looks -
The virus pandemic SARS-Cov-2 (Covid-19) is a tremendous tragedy worldwide, as the virus causes so much pain and death.
When compared to previous pandemics, Corona pandemic is the epidemic that may have caused most structural societal problems, when compared to all previous pandemics.
The corona virus is a so-called RNA virus which aims to multiply in and take over the host body and change the DNA of the cells.
The corona virus alters the DNA by targeting the hemoglobin, that is, the red blood cells, attaching itself to the surface of a blood cell, and extracting the oxygen + hydrogen molecules, that is, the water from the cell nucleus.
The acid molecule that the Coronavirus wants to eat is in the so-called nuclide era, on a nitrogen base called Five carbon sugars.
When the coronavirus has kidnapped the oxygen molecule, the oxygen transport of the blood is prevented and therefore severe oxygen deficiency is experienced.
What kind of people are the target of the corona virus?
Because the Coronavirus is looking for oxygen, it is primarily interested in infecting people who have an oxygen-rich blood, called hemoglobin blood. Those with the most oxygenated blood are people with blood groups A, B, and AB.
These people all have an oxygen molecule attached to one of the carbon molecules in their nucleation times.
When the virus kidnaps the oxygen molecule and leaves the carbon molecule alone, a severe oxygen deficiency occurs throughout the system.
We saw similar conditions in the Tuberculosis epidemics and in the Malaria epidemics, as well as in the earlier outbreaks of SARS and MERS, where the target for the virus / bacterium was in these cases also the oxygen-rich blood, ie the hemoglobin.
Several vampire books and vampire films have been made on this theme, where the classic epidemics, such as Tbc and Malaria, have been the sources of inspiration for these films (for example, “Dracula’s Daughter (1936)”, “Vampires” (1998) or “In Dracula’s Chlorine” ( 1958).
Often, the role-holders in the films have been left pale and dead, after the “vampire” has sucked the blood out of their veins – a vampire that is really a cinematic fictional virus.
People with blood group O are better off from the virus.
People who have blood group O (from the German “ohne”) or zero, as we sometimes say, have lower oxygen (hemochrome) blood and use nitrogen and carbon dioxide as the main substances for energy recovery (metabolism).
Therefore, blood group 0 can continue to “breathe” freely as the coronavirus infects the blood cells.
Blood group O has a natural handicap for more severe exertion, as the blood is not able to metabolize oxygen as efficiently as the other blood groups, which often results in shortness of breath and oxygen starvation during physical exertion.
Blood group O lacks an acid group
Blood group O thus lacks the important oxygen group for the virus, which is to sit on one carbon molecule during the nuclide period.
When the Corona virus tries to get hold of the oxygen molecule, there is none and the virus will eventually give up and kill itself.
The dead virus particles will then be secreted by natural secretion, that is, by sweating, coughing, increased stool, exhalation, etc.
This is in good agreement with the fever increase and the diarrhea and cold symptoms that can often be seen in people with blood group 0 as they are attacked by the virus.
Different genetic conditions to fight Covid-19
When the virus enters the body and tries to attach to the blood cells, the different blood groups have different conditions to fight the virus.
Blood group O has the most effective and well-balanced immune system, and often succeeds, by killing cells, to destroy the virus and secrete the dead virus particles through natural secretion. (Cough, sweat, urine, exhalation).
The blood groups A, B, and AB have poorer conditions to fight the virus and will therefore run amok by starting cytokine storms and coagulating the blood (clumping the blood) to try to fight the virus. Something that has proven to be a deadly path for the immune system.
Therefore, it may be good for those people who have blood groups A, B, and AB to try to increase their secretion, for example by bathing a sauna, or drinking properly with a liquid-based drink in the morning.
Gaining a lot of sunlight and taking a vitamin D supplement has also been shown to be effective for blood groups A, B and AB.
- The effects of the virus will be different, depending on what the “nucleitide structure” of the blood looks like -
The virus pandemic SARS-Cov-2 (Covid-19) is a tremendous tragedy worldwide, as the virus causes so much pain and death.
When compared to previous pandemics, the Corona pandemic is the epidemc that may have caused most structural societal problems, when compared to all previous pandemics.
The Corona virus is a so-called RNA virus, which aims to multiply and take over the host body and change the DNA of the cells.
The Corona virus alters the DNA by targeting the Hemoglobin, that is, the red blood cells, attaching itself to the surface of a blood cell, and extracting the oxygen + hydrogen molecules, that is, the water from the cell nucleus.
The acid molecule that the Coronavirus wants to eat is in the so-called nuclide era, on a nitrogen base called Five carbon sugars.
When the coronavirus has kidnapped the oxygen molecule, the oxygen transport of the blood is prevented and therefore severe oxygen deficiency is experienced.
What kind of people are the target of the corona virus?
Because the Coronavirus is looking for oxygen, it is primarily interested in infecting people who have an oxygen-rich blood, called hemoglobin blood. Those with the most oxygenated blood are people with blood groups A, B, and AB.
These people all have an oxygen molecule attached to one of the carbon molecules in their nucleation times.
When the virus kidnaps the oxygen molecule and leaves the carbon molecule alone, a severe oxygen deficiency occurs throughout the system.
We saw similar conditions in the Tuberculosis epidemics and in the Malaria epidemics, as well as in the earlier outbreaks of SARS and MERS, where the target for the virus / bacterium was in these cases also the oxygen-rich blood, ie the hemoglobin.
Several vampire books and vampire films have been made on this theme, where the classic epidemics, such as Tbc and Malaria, have been the sources of inspiration for these films (for example, “Dracula’s Daughter (1936)”, “Vampires” (1998) or “In Dracula’s Chlorine” ( 1958).
Often, the role-holders in the films have been left pale and dead, after the “vampire” has sucked the blood out of their veins – a vampire that is really a cinematic fictional virus.
People with blood group O are better off from the virus.
People who have blood group O (from the German “ohne”) or zero, as we sometimes say, have lower oxygen (hemochrome) blood and use nitrogen and carbon dioxide as the main substances for energy recovery (metabolism).
Therefore, blood group 0 can continue to “breathe” freely as the coronavirus infects the blood cells.
Blood group O has a natural handicap for more severe exertion, as the blood is not able to metabolize oxygen as efficiently as the other blood groups, which often results in shortness of breath and oxygen starvation during physical exertion.
Blood group O lacks an acid group
Blood group O thus lacks the important oxygen group for the virus, which is to sit on one carbon molecule during the nuclide period.
When the Corona virus tries to get hold of the oxygen molecule, there is none and the virus will eventually give up and kill itself.
The dead virus particles will then be secreted by natural secretion, that is, by sweating, coughing, increased stool, exhalation, etc.
This is in good agreement with the fever increase and the diarrhea and cold symptoms that can often be seen in people with blood group 0 as they are attacked by the virus.
Different genetic conditions to fight Covid-19
When the virus enters the body and tries to attach to the blood cells, the different blood groups have different conditions to fight the virus.
Blood group O has the most effective and well-balanced immune system, and often succeeds, by killing cells, to destroy the virus and secrete the dead virus particles through natural secretion. (Cough, sweat, urine, exhalation).
The blood groups A, B, and AB have poorer conditions to fight the virus and will therefore run amok by starting cytokine storms and coagulating the blood (clumping the blood) to try to fight the virus. Something that has proven to be a deadly path for the immune system.
Therefore, it may be good for those people who have blood groups A, B, and AB to try to increase their secretion, for example by bathing a sauna, or drinking properly with a liquid-based drink in the morning.
Gaining a lot of sunlight and taking a vitamin D supplement has also been shown to be effective for blood groups A, B and AB.

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