Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history. Spades--King David, Clubs--Alexander the Great, Hearts--Charlemagne and Diamonds--Julius Caesar.



The best-value consumer purchase in terms of the price and usage is an electric kettle.



No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.



No president of the United States was an only child.



Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.



The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.



In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.



"Jaws" is the most common name for a goldfish.



The first known marketer of the flushing toilet was Thomas Crapper.



The main library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.



Camel's milk, which is widely drunk in Arab countries, has 10 times more iron than cow's milk.



The average bra size today is 36C. Ten years ago it was 34B.



At -40 degrees Centigrade a person loses about 14.4 calories per hour by breathing.



Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun, is the largest planet in the solar system, twice as big as all the other planets combined.



In some Asian countries, the family name is written first and the individual name written second.



No president of the United States was an only child.



The bulls-eye on a dartboard must be 5 feet 8 inches off the ground.



The largest cabbage weighed 144 pounds.



Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.



If a native Hawaiian woman places the flower on her right ear, she is available.



Ohio is listed as the 17th state in the U.S., but technically it is Number 47. Until August 7, 1953, Congress forgot to vote on a resolution to admit Ohio to the Union.



It is possible to drown and not die. Technically the term 'drowning' refers to the process of taking water into the lungs, not to death caused by that process.



All swans in England are the property of the queen or king.



In ancient Greece, children of wealthy families were dipped in olive oil at birth to keep them hairless throughout their lives.



The U.S. ranks 29th in overall life expectancy, which is 78 years.



In 2005, the US government spent about $71 billion for Operation Iraqi Freedom.



Active membership in the United Auto Workers union at the Big Three auto makers has declined from 800,000 members in 1970 to around 270,000 members in 2005.



The oldest known vegetable is the pea.



The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is "feedback."



One gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately one million gallons of fresh water!



Every second over 7,000 Coca-Cola products are consumed.



The US national anthem actually has three verses, but everyone just knows the first one.



The largest potato was grown in Lebanon by Khalil Semhat near Tyre. The spud was 11.3 kilos (24.9 pounds).



The poison arrow frogs of South and Central America are the most poisonous animals in the world.



Music can help reduce chronic pain by more than 20% and can alleviate depression by up to 25%.



40 to 50 percent of body heat can be lost through the head (no hat) as a result of its extensive circulatory network.



There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.



A German World War II submarine was sunk due to malfunction of the toilet.



More steel in the US is used to make bottle caps than to manufacture automobile bodies.



In 2005, the US government spent about $71 billion for Operation Iraqi Freedom.



About 17% of humans are left-handed. The same is true of chimpanzees and gorillas.



In 1886, sales of "Coca-Cola" averaged only 9 drinks per day.



A new born blue whale measures 20-26 feet (6.0 - 7.9 meters) long and weighs up to 6,614 pounds (3003 kg).



The US has about 9 billion chickens. China has more than 13 billion.



Between 1990 and 2005, only one CEO received more than $1 billion in total compensation -- Citigroup's Sanford I. Weill.



The average person has 100,000 hairs on his/her head. Each hair grows about 5 inches (12.7 cm) every year.



Orangutans warn people to stay out of their territory by belching.



Columbia University is the second largest landowner in New York City, after the Catholic Church.



Active membership in the United Auto Workers union at the Big Three auto makers has declined from 800,000 members in 1970 to around 270,000 members in 2005.



Every year the sun loses 360 million tons.



No president of the United States was an only child.



No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver and purple.



Its impossible to smoke oneself to death with weed. You won't be able to retain enough motor control and consciousness to do so after such a large amount.



More than half of American families with teenagers use filters to limit access to adult content online.



There is a law on the books of Detroit, Michigan that states that "Alligators may not be tied to fire hydrants."



In 2005, each person in the world consumed, on average, 77 beverages made by The Coca-Cola Company.

