The bulls-eye on a dartboard must be 5 feet 8 inches off the ground.



Starfish don't have brains.



A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbook can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.



Sex workers (Prostitutes) in Roman times charged the equivalent price of eight glasses of red wine.



King Henry III of France, Louis XVI of France and Napoleon all suffered from ailurophobia--fear of cats.



Ghandi didn't allow his wife to take penicillin to save her life from pneumonia but took quinine to save himself from malaria.



The bulls-eye on a dartboard must be 5 feet 8 inches off the ground.



Sitting too close to the TV will not ruin your eyesight.



The average person has 100,000 hairs on his/her head. Each hair grows about 5 inches (12.7 cm) every year.



The average bra size today is 36C. Ten years ago it was 34B.



In 1933, Mickey Mouse, an animated cartoon character, received 800,000 fan letters.



The average person can live 11 days without water.



La Paz, the capital city of Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world at over 17,000 feet (5,181 m).



Jack is the most common name in nursery rhymes.



All US Presidents have worn glasses. Some just didn't like being seen wearing them in public.



Every year the sun loses 360 million tons.



Maine is the toothpick capital of the world.



At any one time, there are 100 million phone conversations going on in the United States.



Dry cereal for breakfast was invented by John Henry Kellogg at the turn of the century.



If you eat a bar of chocolate every day for 36,500 days, you'll live to be 100 years old.



According to the Pentagon, Russia has supplied more than 85% of all of China's arms imports since early 1990.



Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.



There are 50 million abortions performed every year world-wide. An estimated 40% of those are performed illegally.



Rats are incapable of puking.



Watching television can act as a natural painkiller for children.



The town of Kennesaw, Georgia has required its citizens to own a firearm and ammunition since 1982.



In 1960, the ratio of the average Fortune 500 CEO's pay to the US president's salary was 2-to-1. Today, this ratio is around 30-to-1.



Your odds of being killed in a tornado are 1 in 2 million.





The human brain is 80% water.



The largest living thing on the face of the Earth is a mushroom underground in Oregon. It measures three and a half miles in diameter.



The car in the foreground on the back of a $10 bill is a 1925 Hupmobile.



Inventor Samuel Colt patented his revolver in 1836.



The parking meter was invented in North Dakota.



If you can see a rainbow you must have your back to the sun.



The parachute was invented by DiVinci in 1515.



As of July 2005, the smallest country in terms of population was Pitcairn Islands with 45 inhabitants!



A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.



Men with a certain rare medical condition can breastfeed babies.



The parking meter was invented by C.C. Magee in 1935.



The first Computer was ENIAC, short for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, unveiled on February 14, 1946.



The largest toy distributor in the world is McDonald's.



Pele has always hated his nickname, which he says sounds like "baby-talk in Portuguese".



Cost of raising a medium size dog to the age of 11: $6,400.



Enough beer is poured every Saturday across America to fill the Orange Bowl.



The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was originally entitled Headcheese, but was changed at the last minute.



Men with a certain rare medical condition can breastfeed babies.



The average CEO's salary in the US is 475 times greater than the average worker's salary. In Japan, it is 11 times greater; in France, 15 times; in Canada, 20; in South Africa, 21, and in Britain, 22.



The most common name in the world is Mohammed.



The United States spends more money on its military than the next 13 countries on the list combined!



5% of the world population lives in the US but 22% of the world's prisons population are held in the US.



There are approximately fifty Bibles sold each minute across the world!



As of 2006, more than one in eight people in the United States show signs of addiction to the internet.



To escape the grip of a crocodile's jaws, push your thumbs into its eyeballs-it will let you go instantly.



Nearly 90% of American teens used the Internet in 2005.



American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating 1 olive from each salad served in first-class.

