Welcome to our website "Responsivity Tester" !
- A website where you can visually check various site's web design, and see if they are mobile friendly.
You are able to test from a fictive smartwatch, from a fictive smartphone, and from a fictive tablet (Surfpad).
When you enter a website's name in the search box, and the site shows up in the frame, you can immediately see which web technologies the web creators have used.
If the site is "responsive", the various design elements move around and position itself on a high "staple", with all content clearly readable in the frame.
In this way, the most "important" parts of the body are at the top, so that this will bee the first content the visitors will see.
The disadvantage of responsive web design can be that if you have important information in the other menus, this important information is often placed further down the page.
If they instead have used "fluid design" or "adaptive design" the content adapts to the screen so that it pulls out if the screen is great, and pulls in or sometimes overlaps if the screen is small.
And if they have used "fixed design" on their website, all design parts are fixed in a fixed position, and the website looks the same on all screens.
All of these four techniques - responsive - fluid - adaptive - fixed, can be mobile friendly, if the techniques have been used correctly, and various techniques may even have been combined on a website.
Hope you get
use of the site!
/ Editorial